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Electrochemical Process Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christina Roth

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2025    2024    2023    all years

Date News
18.11.2023 The faculty of engineering celebrated its 25th anniversary with the Tag der ING. event
08.10.2023 The LSWV at the 244th ECS Meeting in Göteborg, Sweeden
29.09.2023 Practice makes perfect: How a scientific conference becomes the perfect testing ground for our MFC students
18.09.2023 Welcome back to the Bayreuth office!
11.09.2023 LSWV in France: The International Society of Electrochemistry hosts its 74th annual meeting in Lyon
01.09.2023 A summer of learning
07.07.2023 A fresh breeze sweeps through the chair
03.07.2023 Attending the redox flow battery workshop at Atotech in Berlin
21.06.2023 LSWV team members at the 13th aabc Europe conference in Mainz
17.06.2023 LSWV members at Bayreuth Innovativ 2023
31.05.2023 Our team in late May at the 243rd ECS Spring Meeting in Boston
15.03.2023 Dr. Bruna Lobo is voted runner-up for “best poster” award at the InSynX workshop held in São Paulo, Brazil

Webmaster: Anne Schraml

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